Wednesday, December 2, 2009

and here's the fluffernutter!

good morning! and here's a photo of one of the cupcakes....vanilla, with peanut butter icing inside and on top with peanut butter chips and mini marshmallows. lucky me, I have some icing left over : ) ohmigosh it was delicious.
wish me luck for the Bake Sale - I hope we raise lots of cash for our charity ...YWCA Presents of Peace ...helping mostly single moms that really need help making Christmas a little brighter for their little ones.
have a great Wednesday ! : )


  1. Looks yummy! good luck with the bake sale... I know all that sweet yummy goodness will rake in the dough! LOL

  2. Yummy!!! Hope you had fun with your bake sale!!! what a wonderful cause!

  3. thanks ladies! bake sale was great - we raised almost $600.00 for our charity! :)

  4. Flutternutter! Fun to say and I bet even more fun to eat! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year girlfriend!
