Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Safety Week oh yes it is...

well some fun at work today....since it's "Safety Week" (so I'm told), we had a few of our finest from the Burnaby Fire Department drop by work over the lunch-hour to talk about fire safety or something.... fire extinguishers and smoke detectors and prepping for an emergency. blah blah blah. Never mind all that, the best part was getting to ride in the fire truck for a minute, and play the siren!

what a hoot! :)


  1. OH..yeah right Jadranka! And you didn't even NOTICE the cute firefighters??? LOL

  2. well yah they were all actually very cute !! just out of my age range that's all! :) hee hee.

  3. LOL firefighters = cute
    I bet you had a great time! glad you took some photos :)

  4. Ohhhhhhhh lucky girl! I can think of a whole lot of naughty things to say but I'll keep my comments to myself lol
